Those are hardly the only ones. We've identified the 12 most sacred places where IT enthusiasts can go to pay homage to the computing gods that passed before them -- or at least catch a peek at where some of the more exciting events in IT lore occurred. Fortunately, would-be pilgrims can do a lot of the traveling via the Web, saving wear and tear on the sandals and sackcloth.
Tech mecca No. 1: 367 Addison Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. [4]
Tech mecca No. 2: 2066 Crist Dr., Los Altos, Calif. [4]
Tech mecca No. 3: 232 Santa Margarita Ave., Menlo Park, Calif. [4]
Tech mecca No. 4: CERN -- Geneva, Switzerland [5]
Tech mecca No. 5: Bletchley Park, England [6]
Tech mecca No. 6: Xerox PARC -- Palo Alto, Calif. [7]
Tech mecca No. 7: Ames Lab, Iowa State University -- Ames, Iowa [8]
Tech mecca No. 8: Moore School of Engineering, University of Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia [8]
Tech mecca No. 9: IBM's "Main Plant" -- Poughkeepsie, N.Y. [9]
Tech mecca No. 10: Room 2713, Dobie Hall, University of Texas -- Austin, Texas [10]
Tech mecca No. 11: Kirkland House, Havard University -- Cambridge, Mass. [10]
Tech mecca No. 12: Lyman Residence Hall, Stanford University -- Stanford, Calif. [10]